Upon getting home from rehearsal, Carli walks in to find James holding a t-shirt she had been waiting to come in with 'Wilkerson' on the back. After getting excited and talking about all of the baseball games she would wear this shirt to, James simply said "well you can't wear that." Obviously surprised, Carli didn't know what he meant, because HE said getting HIS last name on the t-shirt was fine! So, in true Carli fashion she started having a fit, and in between her yelling, James was saying over and over "well it's not your last name," which sent Carli into even more of a rage. And then James said "it's not your last name YET!" And right there, in their living room with the cats fighting behind them, James pulled out a ring box got down on one knee and asked Carli to marry him. At this point Carli was floored and completely taken aback to the point that her shrieks of "ARE YOU SERIOUS" turned into sobs while sitting on the floor. And with that, began